How do you think Elon Musk runs all his companies?
Probably with AI.
Putin said whomever controls AI controls the world.
The news is saying they are fearful he will blow up the world if he loses.
Why do you think Pelosi wanted Trump's football?
How did the military create a nuclear buffer before AI?
Why would Milley need to INFORM our enemies instead of just axing the order?
Would AI be able to bypass anyone unwilling to follow orders?
Instant orders to all hands.
Is Putin's statement about the future, or the past?
What would AI look like projecting out into the future.
Would it be as fragmented as Q?
Random thoughts about this. Made me thing of the movie WarGames. Basically the winning move was not to play.
Brodericks character had a choice to play: Chess, Poker, or Global Thermonuclear War. He chose war with real life consequences.
The computer could not distinguish between real and simulation world. It ultimately stood down because it played a game of tic-tac-toe. Somehow realizing there is no winning move. Or something like that.
Maybe Pelosi or the others assumed if they had the nuclear codes, they would have the ultimate leverage. Literal scorched earth. Ultimate show of envy. If I can’t have it, I’ll destroy it all.
They failed at nuclear destruction. so they are going for ultimate chaos to destroy the structures of society. Another form of destruction.
All of this was designed for the derp state to exhaust all their moves and ultimately learn that the only winning move was not to play. Clearly they are not out of moves they will try.
“Shall we play a game?”
I like the way you think.