Japanese scientists found a way to destroy the Spike protein.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
We introduce one potential natural way of destroying spike protein that has been proposed in a published paper: a suggestion that nattokinase which can be found in Japanese natto food can destroy the spike protein found on the surface of cells in a laboratory setting. Another added benefit is that nattokinase is apparently the best-known natural compound that prevents fibrin aggregation of clots.
I’ve been taking natto for years, take it with red yeast rice to clean plaque from the arteries. One study showed a 60% reduction in arterial plaque after 60 days!!! It’s gotten real expensive in the last few years for the powder. A little goes a long way though. It’s made from fermented soybeans and natto spores, you can make your own.
Soy is toxic
If you're talking about the Monsanto/Bayer GM variety that's Roundup-ready and has loads of glyphosate residue all through it, you're right. Organic soybeans are great in moderation, and miso, which is fermented beans, is rich in B vitamins and probiotics. Just don't overdo it if you're a guy. It has high levels of phytoestrogen.
I also exacerbates hot flashes because of the estrogen in it.