Why Do Smart People Believe the Lies? Here is the Answer
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Even Jesus called the all the Normies around him “Sheep”. kek
I had never heard of this site and in looking over their info, I like that you can look at news through a Judeo-Christian lens. This passage in II Thessalonians chapter 2 is a real eye opener to the evil surrounding us...a good reminder about deception. I really did like using scripture to explain the reality of today...good post. We certainly need more Judeo-Christian influence in this crazy, crazy world we live in...
The Criminal MSM.
...doggy winks....
"Why Do Smart People Believe the Lies?" is akin to the old school question, "Does your mother know you're a queer?"
The premise is wrong. There are countless smart people who don't believe the lies and never have. There are probably a lot of smart people who don't believe the lies as they don't waste their time watching TV. The TV is deceiving the dumb ones.
They were allowed to fall under a great delusion because they didn’t love the truth. It doesn’t really answer the post’s question, “How in the world can this person not see the truth?” The great delusion can explain why the person might double down on mistruths, but it doesn’t explain why the person didn’t value the truth in the first place. I think it’s because they made idols of their own egos. Acknowledging that a situation has degraded means admitting that one hasn’t succeeded in preventing the degradation. For example, Silent Gens and Boomers are often delusional because it would hurt their egos to admit the truth that Western Civilization has been degraded on their watch.
...the truth arrives in somber attire...