You are so 100% correct. Everybody just needs to look around. Its as if people are honestly in a matrix. Nothing has changed, but people on fb and snap are posting high bills etc saying they cant afford it.. yet.. still buying $7 coffee and eating steak and lobster. Thats whats sad. I get wanting a good lifestyle, but.. willfull ignorance so they can maintain a lifestyle, will be their demise. Some are awakening. Daily. Its just not fully there yet. Good luck my fren!
You are so 100% correct. Everybody just needs to look around. Its as if people are honestly in a matrix. Nothing has changed, but people on fb and snap are posting high bills etc saying they cant afford it.. yet.. still buying $7 coffee and eating steak and lobster. Thats whats sad. I get wanting a good lifestyle, but.. willfull ignorance so they can maintain a lifestyle, will be their demise. Some are awakening. Daily. Its just not fully there yet. Good luck my fren!