Very simply put, jurisdiction is nothing but using the right words of law (Juris Diction).
If you choose to be a free man/woman, your jurisdiction is Common Law (Land). Under this, you can only be tried for physically hurting/killing someone, or stealing someone's property.
If you choose to be a fictional entity (like corporation), your jurisdiction is Maritime Law (Water). It deals only with contracts.
If you choose to be a fiduciary for another entity, your jurisdiction is Trust Law (Air). It only deals with Trusts.
Every man/woman has a fictional corporate entity created for them when they were born or when they became citizens. This is considered to be a shipping entity (vessel) and is denoted by your all CAPS name. These people rationalize it by a lot of pretend fiction (related to the process of birth which they equate to a ship coming to the dock). But the result is that the courts treat us as if we are vessels and not the captains, hence we become subject to maritime law - law of contracts.
All the legislation passed by governments (which also registered themselves as corporate entities) are corporate by laws - contracts - that are only applicable to our vessels.
When they treat you as a vessel if you acquiesce, you are being subject to the contract law and whatever they make up applies to you.
If you do not acquiesce and claim your free man/woman status, the court case is moot and is not applicable to you.
The way the Trust law comes into picture is because they use your vessel as a collateral for the fiat money they issue and create a Trust in your vessel's name (Cestui Que Trust). The money printed is always backed by someone's CQ trust and these trusts are like bonds that can be traded on the market.
All court actions are actually banking actions that allows them to claim funds from your trust -hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is how judges make money for the courts.
If you take control of your Trust as a fiduciary, then your jurisdiction will be the Trust law, where all you need to do is either accept or rescind (following the banking laws) any claims against your trust (which is pretty much any court action).
Very simply put, jurisdiction is nothing but using the right words of law (Juris Diction).
If you choose to be a free man/woman, your jurisdiction is Common Law (Land). Under this, you can only be tried for physically hurting/killing someone, or stealing someone's property.
If you choose to be a fictional entity (like corporation), your jurisdiction is Maritime Law (Water). It deals only with contracts.
If you choose to be a fiduciary for another entity, your jurisdiction is Trust Law (Air). It only deals with Trusts.
Every man/woman has a fictional corporate entity created for them when they were born or when they became citizens. This is considered to be a shipping entity (vessel) and is denoted by your all CAPS name. These people rationalize it by a lot of pretend fiction (related to the process of birth which they equate to a ship coming to the dock). But the result is that the courts treat us as if we are vessels and not the captains, hence we become subject to maritime law - law of contracts.
All the legislation passed by governments (which also registered themselves as corporate entities) are corporate by laws - contracts - that are only applicable to our vessels.
When they treat you as a vessel if you acquiesce, you are being subject to the contract law and whatever they make up applies to you.
If you do not acquiesce and claim your free man/woman status, the court case is moot and is not applicable to you.
The way the Trust law comes into picture is because they use your vessel as a collateral for the fiat money they issue and create a Trust in your vessel's name (Cestui Que Trust). The money printed is always backed by someone's CQ trust and these trusts are like bonds that can be traded on the market.
All court actions are actually banking actions that allows them to claim funds from your trust -hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is how judges make money for the courts.
If you take control of your Trust as a fiduciary, then your jurisdiction will be the Trust law, where all you need to do is either accept or rescind (following the banking laws) any claims against your trust (which is pretty much any court action).
But are we not the beneficiary's of that Trust
And, aren't they are the Trustee
supposed to read 'are we not' instead of 'we are not'