Its kinda shocking how many stupid people play this video game and assume that makes them some sort of astro-physics guru.
Its kinda shocking how many people use Kerbal as an argument for why they think they understand rocket science.
Playing Mario Bros won’t make you a master plumber, and playing Kerbal won’t make you an astronaut.
I don't see any reason to attack Kerbal Space Program.
KSP is a tremendous game which has probably gotten tons of young people interested in science. It is super fun to land on the Mun and come back, and quite difficult.
What does it have to do with the Great Awakening?
Do you think that the purpose of KSP is make people believe more that we went to the moon? Because I don't think that.
The KSP is probably OK,
other than giving young, impressionable people delusions of competence.
I actually went to the trouble of working out the math and physics of the moon landings,
and believe me, “it doesnt add up”…
and instead of actually addressing the facts, some people insist i need to play more KSP, to truly understand why white men using the Standard measuring system totally walked on the moon, while (presumably lesser?) races using the Metric system could never walk on the moon
Framing the moon walk as an example of innate white supremacy drives libs absolutely crazy.
You jealous bro?
Here's a "think piece" for you.
You probably don't know what a retro-reflector is... but there's one on the moon. We put it there. I have seen it.
So, either we landed men on the moon and THEY set up a retro reflector OR, we landed a retro-reflector on the moon by itself, in the absolute perfect direction to line up with the earth, by using 1960s technology.
You've been to the moon?