Went to school in 90s. Only 1 autistic and 1 effeminate boy. High school saw a couple more autistics, I think the MMR shot made me autistic in high school, I definitely changed socially from that day I distinctly remember something happening to me and I had a panic attack, never had that before with vaccines. Nobody even knew what gluten was. Peanut butter sandwiches were the norm. Something fuckey has gone on with society.
Went to school in 90s. Only 1 autistic and 1 effeminate boy. High school saw a couple more autistics, I think the MMR shot made me autistic in high school, I definitely changed socially from that day I distinctly remember something happening to me and I had a panic attack, never had that before with vaccines. Nobody even knew what gluten was. Peanut butter sandwiches were the norm. Something fuckey has gone on with society.