we all know Trump has expressed support for the "vaccine" (i.e., gene therapy). here's just one older article for example: https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-urges-all-americans-to-get-covid-vaccine-its-a-safe-vaccine
my theory/question is, could it be possible the "vaccine", as in the original jab, is "safe' and instead the cabal with their pharma branch created poisonous boosters.
the data seems very thin, because they won't disclose it all, as far as I can tell in terms of who is dying and having severe side effects. is it in fact largely or entirely only those that have been boosted ?
Trump knows real Americans make critical decisions for themselves. If he had been against the vaccine things would have likely turned out far worse for everyone. The bad guys would have followed Australia's hideous marxist lead. If you keep in mind the several times Trump told us that HCQ and other treatments worked to stop covid, and he put out a "it's not that bad" vibe. He needed to allow them all the rope they needed. Do you really not realize his 'part' in this movie was prime. He was the Great Gatsby, imho.
Would like to hear more of your Gatsby analogy!