They also can’t say one day that it is legal and then turn around the next and say that it is not. Plus the whole common use part of the NFA rules out what they are trying to do. They estimate 40 million of these out there which by definition makes it common use.
Save your breath. This is another example of an issue we ought to be on offense with. What you just said isn’t wrong. It is just unnecessary. You shouldn’t even need to get to that point till these fools promoting this answer a single question: What reason is there to regulate short barrel rifles/shotguns differently than non sbr/sbs?
Originally, when the NFA was first passed, the main reason argued for the sbr/sbs rules were because of “concealability” of such weapons. A guy walking down the street might have one under his coat and catch everyone by surprise when he pulls out some heavy duty firepower like the gangsters in NYC, Philly, and Chicago used to do.
Not to say that I am ok with the contemporary arguments at the time of passage. Far from it. But for these purposes, just accept that argument. Fast forward 80 years. I can conceal a glock 17 with a 33 round mag under my coat lawfully in all but full Bolshevik states. Tell me how totally unsafe society is if someone can shave 4 inches off their M4/AR15 barrel and suddenly the public is totally fucked? “My God if this maniac had a 16” barrel instead of 12” all these people would still be alive!” Said nobody ever.
The next question I have for these clowns after answering the last one: What is so different about SBR/SBS that requires separate and overly burdensome applications to be filled out, along with finger prints etc, and an epic year long wait for these guys to stop shooting unarmed women/children and their dogs long enough to process these applications? If an FFL can sell me a 50 cal Barrett, AR10 .308, AK47, glock, sig, s&W etc without having to go through all of the bullshit for SBR/SBS, why do we need this system? What function does it serve other than arbitrary inconvenience?
You know what is a better argument for the handicapped than a stupid brace? The fact that without shorter barrels, they cannot reasonably and effectively use a rifle.
What function does it serve other than arbitrary inconvenience?
That's literally it. The original intent was for handguns to be restricted as well. The $200 tax stamp at the time was prohibitively expensive, pricing them well beyond the means of most americans. They didn't count on the federal reserve raping the dollar with interest, so these arbitrary inconveniences is designed to make most people not want to bother. The ultimate goal is total gun restriction, which the second amendment forbids, so they have to whittle away at our rights with thousands of tiny cuts. Any gun control is good in their eyes, no matter how arbitrary and frivolous.
They also can’t say one day that it is legal and then turn around the next and say that it is not. Plus the whole common use part of the NFA rules out what they are trying to do. They estimate 40 million of these out there which by definition makes it common use.
Save your breath. This is another example of an issue we ought to be on offense with. What you just said isn’t wrong. It is just unnecessary. You shouldn’t even need to get to that point till these fools promoting this answer a single question: What reason is there to regulate short barrel rifles/shotguns differently than non sbr/sbs?
Originally, when the NFA was first passed, the main reason argued for the sbr/sbs rules were because of “concealability” of such weapons. A guy walking down the street might have one under his coat and catch everyone by surprise when he pulls out some heavy duty firepower like the gangsters in NYC, Philly, and Chicago used to do.
Not to say that I am ok with the contemporary arguments at the time of passage. Far from it. But for these purposes, just accept that argument. Fast forward 80 years. I can conceal a glock 17 with a 33 round mag under my coat lawfully in all but full Bolshevik states. Tell me how totally unsafe society is if someone can shave 4 inches off their M4/AR15 barrel and suddenly the public is totally fucked? “My God if this maniac had a 16” barrel instead of 12” all these people would still be alive!” Said nobody ever.
The next question I have for these clowns after answering the last one: What is so different about SBR/SBS that requires separate and overly burdensome applications to be filled out, along with finger prints etc, and an epic year long wait for these guys to stop shooting unarmed women/children and their dogs long enough to process these applications? If an FFL can sell me a 50 cal Barrett, AR10 .308, AK47, glock, sig, s&W etc without having to go through all of the bullshit for SBR/SBS, why do we need this system? What function does it serve other than arbitrary inconvenience?
You know what is a better argument for the handicapped than a stupid brace? The fact that without shorter barrels, they cannot reasonably and effectively use a rifle.
That's literally it. The original intent was for handguns to be restricted as well. The $200 tax stamp at the time was prohibitively expensive, pricing them well beyond the means of most americans. They didn't count on the federal reserve raping the dollar with interest, so these arbitrary inconveniences is designed to make most people not want to bother. The ultimate goal is total gun restriction, which the second amendment forbids, so they have to whittle away at our rights with thousands of tiny cuts. Any gun control is good in their eyes, no matter how arbitrary and frivolous.
ATF rules are not laws.