posted ago by SocratesKnowsNothing ago by SocratesKnowsNothing +10 / -0

an earlier post for discussion was misinterpreted, and i take blame for not being clearer. I'm not trying to rehash the old "why would Trump promote the vaccine" when we are convinced it's harmful. instead the crux is, do we really know the "vaccine" (gene therapy, what have you) alone is harmful? the data is so scarce regarding these injuries that i posit, could the "vaccine" (all of them) alone without any booster in fact be safe? could it be that the boosters are what is injuring people. perhaps the pharmas put the poison in the boosters but didn't or couldn't do so with the "vaccines". most people that got the first jab got at least one follow up booster jab it seems based on my real life experience and what i read/watch.

the discussion and data I'd like to see is whether anyone knows or can speak to how many folks who ONLY took the vaccine (regardless of whether it was a single or double shot) were actually injured or if all/most injuries involved at least 1 booster