Provided by Dana Horochowski back on October 9, 2009. This oath puts the Freemason's & Jesuit's allegiance to their Luciferian secret society above all else while committing to their plan for worldwide control, deception, division, enslavement, fear mongering, depopulation and poisoning of the masses.
I don't know about this, I mean we'll poison everything they eat, breath and wear? So what do they breath, eat and wear? It doesn't make sense to me. Yeah they poison with medications, and food, that's proven. Our clothes? that's one thing, but the air?
The Secret Covenant: Luciferian Blood Oath Pact
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Provided by Dana Horochowski back on October 9, 2009. This oath puts the Freemason's & Jesuit's allegiance to their Luciferian secret society above all else while committing to their plan for worldwide control, deception, division, enslavement, fear mongering, depopulation and poisoning of the masses.
🔍💊 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"
🔍💊 "The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of Fascism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, The Vatican & Zionism"
Is that a young Amazing Polly?
LOL all I know is her name is Dana Horochowski and she still has this video up on her YT from 2009
Same mannerism as Amazing Polly. Thanks for the video
Great catch. Huh.
I don't know about this, I mean we'll poison everything they eat, breath and wear? So what do they breath, eat and wear? It doesn't make sense to me. Yeah they poison with medications, and food, that's proven. Our clothes? that's one thing, but the air?
Yes, the air, with 🔍💊 "Geoengineering: Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding & H.A.A.R.P. Weather Modification"
LMAO you got your shit removed for being a shill... I LOVE IT HERE
"To learn who rules over you....."
Mods: No, only question things we tell you that you are allowed to