posted ago by Gods_plan_trumps_all ago by Gods_plan_trumps_all +16 / -1

Most will perish from lack of knowledge, the Holy Word says.

We must expect that most of what man tells us is lies. For man is corrupt through and through. With everything that has unfolded these past few years, it's obvious that man is nothing but a liar.

I urge you to seek God's wisdom and get some understanding. He came to me in January of 21 and told me something so simple and true. But the words cut so deep in my soul, because of where I was.


Everything changed for me with those words. I looked at everything and everyone completely different. I got in His Word and listened to His Holy Spirit.

I'm here to report what should be obvious by now (although most follow after the flesh, so they can't hear or see sadly), IT'S ALL A LIE!!!

So many truthers have been deceived. No man can deliver us from this judgement that The Most High has brought upon us all. The hour is late and there's not much time to change direction.

God has chosen a man to wake us up. He also has chose him to bring judgement and wrath. We have to discern when to stop following man when it's contrary to God's Word.

That's the hidden manna or mystery in these times. God has given us a wake up call and he used a man that is the exact opposite of Christ. The choice or decision the believer is faced with is.... does he cut ties with the man that helped wake him up and see how the same man is leading him to destruction?

Father has shown me and others that the abomination that causes desolation has been set up. That the tares are being bundled up and thrown in the fire. There's a period of time that this judgement takes place. We are pushing ever so close to the end of that timeframe that was prophecied all those years ago.

There's not much time for you believer, to get your house in order and choose who you truly follow. I pray God's Holy Spirit will show you and teach you what He has shown His remnant in this season.

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Psalms 118:8