This is 💯% accurate.this is the EAGLE REALM in SPIRIT. Has meaning to understanding Melchizedek. VERY IMPORTANT. It takes " TIME" Many many years.So be very PATIENT with this GIFT and WORD. WALK in HUMBLENESS and LOVE in the beginning of this long process. YOU will be WALKING with GOD and JESUS. And YOU will be HIGHLY TRAINED. 🔥🔥🔥. This is a very special gift 🌹🌹🌹. ITS A PROCESS. YOU WILL CARRY A " MANTLE" Psalm 103: 5 Isaiah 40:31.. explain THIS.
From Prophet Lovy Elias: How to identify The Spirit of a Prophet.
- #Prophets are silent creatures (they don’t talk too much)
- #Prophets don’t like strife (conflicts)
- #prophets are clothed in humility
- #prophets are men/woman of Honor
- #prophets are always in the realm of worship & prayer
If your man or woman of God does not have this simple virtues they are not Prophets.
Side note....many people who claim to be Prophets especially on social media are not. They may have a gift of prophecy but that's totally different from the Office of a Prophet. That bring said, with my own personal life experience, those people who claim to be Prophets and are not would never say YES to God if they knew the long process, pain, and rejection they would deal with to prepare! Most ALL Prophets are taken through a LONG wilderness season, separated from the world, and trained by God personally. Some do have other Prophets mentoring them and schooling them as well, which will accelerate and strengthen them, but God WILL take them through more fire than the average person. He does this to HUMBLE them and build their CHARACTER because he chose them to be ENTRUSTED with his wisdom, revelation, and special giftings. He does not want pride or too many idol words coming from their mouth. They need ALOT of alone time to spend with God both getting revelation and also decompressing from other people's toxic energy. They are discerners of the spirit, so they carry a heavy burden to PRAY for others as they see hidden sin or other demonic forces surrounding them. This can get overwhelming so they NEED to have extra alone time in the secret place.
People in the church should be HONORING true Prophets because when they get a word from them or prayer from them, it's literally SENT from God! It can change the course of their lives! Also just knowing the true SACRIFICES they must make, the rejection they continually face (especially from the church), and the fact the word of God commands them to!
Mathew 10:41 He who gives honour to a prophet, in the name of a prophet, will be given a prophet's reward; and he who gives honour to an upright man, in the name of an upright man, will be given an upright man's reward.
Lastly, God is separating to fake from the real, the wheat from the tares. He is also doing a HUGE work in the church right now. He is pulling down strongholds and bringing down people who appointed themselves into any office who he did not call. He is exposing and taring down the spirit of religion and elevating and restoring the prophetic! This is why it's such a mess in the church right now! So much division and so many different denominations! So many leaders who are not filled with the Holy Spirit trying to lead their sheep and failing. Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle! Part of the Prophet's job is to point out the wrinkles and smooth them out! It's not all glitz and glamor like people on social media make it out to be. Just wanted to speak from my heart on this as their is SO much misconceptions in the church about the prophetic.
I agree we should be very cautious about who we allow to be our personal spiritual leaders. I also, however, think that it is a tremendous mistake to try to put prophets in a box, saying that they must meet some 5 arbitrary criteria to qualify as a prophet. I honestly don’t know who Lovy is, but if he provided these criteria, it would tend to make me somewhat skeptical. Biblical prophets seemed to be bold, outspoken, and not afraid of conflict or even violence. They dealt with kings, rulers, and masses/populations. They dealt regularly in the affairs of man and politics and we’re not ‘always in the realm of prayer/worship’. Most of these 5 criteria seem to possibly represent qualities opposite to those of a prophet. Elijah killed all the prophets of Baal. Samuel personally carved Agag into pieces. I’m sure I could provide many additional examples with a few minutes of research.
I agree, it’s not spot on, but close. Boldness and courageous is a must, however never for self recognition
Witnesses have similar trials imho.