Thank you for the additional info. I try to come from a point of logic, rather than paranoia. This is not the first time that a 'value added' or 'luxury tax' has been proposed. And who do you think are going to be the most adamantly against it?
Doesn't take a genius. Most don't know there was no income tax AT ALL, until 1913.
As to those most adamantly against it I would speculate that would be those who benefit most from the current system, including those who, for whatever reason pay very little or no tax.
Thank you for the additional info. I try to come from a point of logic, rather than paranoia. This is not the first time that a 'value added' or 'luxury tax' has been proposed. And who do you think are going to be the most adamantly against it?
Doesn't take a genius. Most don't know there was no income tax AT ALL, until 1913.
As to those most adamantly against it I would speculate that would be those who benefit most from the current system, including those who, for whatever reason pay very little or no tax.