This isn't quite correct. What happens with the Fair Tax is you get a monthly "prebate" from the Government, which is based on the Federal Poverty Level. This means, you're still paying the taxes at the retailer, but the Government has already given you the funds to pay for those taxes, so it "balances out". If you spend money on necessities at a retailer, which goes above what the Government deems to be your basic needs, then you're still paying Sales Taxes.
This isn't quite correct. What happens with the Fair Tax is you get a monthly "prebate" from the Government, which is based on the Federal Poverty Level. This means, you're still paying the taxes at the retailer, but the Government has already given you the funds to pay for those taxes, so it "balances out". If you spend money on necessities at a retailer, which goes above what the Government deems to be your basic needs, then you're still paying Sales Taxes.