Every time I read a hearsay story on here I think, "Well, I guess I believe this strange person on the internet that their experience is the truth." We have seen all the national stories of athletes and famous people having heart attacks or other health issues. Last night I was talking to my mother who has had heart issues prior to Covid or any jabs. She mentioned the last few times she has gone in for her checkups they schedule her with the nurse practitioner. So this time when she made her appointment she said she wanted to see her actual doctor. They said she can't see him and he isn't see existing patients on maintenance visits. She asked what do you mean he won't see his existing patients? They replied he is so busy with new patients (having heart problems) that all he has time for is diagnosing new patients and doing their surgeries. Which gave me a great opportunity to gently red pill her about the cause of all these heart issues (and it isn't from having Covid!) And I hadn't personally heard a story like this so it's nice to see people seeing this in their lives so hopefully they learn sooner than later.
What I can't understand is how this isn't getting out there is a bigger fashion. Even normies should be hearing stories like this from all over and rising up and asking the government "What have you done to us?!?" Which gets to the real challenge of combating the narrative. Mom thought is was from people having Covid. Which is a thought foundation built on 2.5 years of mutating lies from the MSM and Gov't. There is a huge foundation for us to crush for people to see that everything they have been told since March 2020 is a lie.
100% can confirm that is what im seeing at my fathers cardiologist as well! All 30-40 somethings for stress testing.