Will we call the new set of billionaires "the good guys" because they "freed" us from the bad guys, and be thankful for our new overlords? I don't want to get fooled again.
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There will be no one in charge. No man or woman can be in charge of any other.
Could more people please let the other 7 billion know? I tell them, but they insist on being ruled.
amazing how many just want someone to tell them where to go, what to do, what to think, eat, drink, drive, breathe, etc...just plain mental or emotional laziness or what?? i don't understand this herd mentality at all...then, the rest of us just want to be left alone to go about our lives as we see fit, do what we want and not disturb others, sit on my front porch rockin chair at sunset and have a beer if i want one...