Will we call the new set of billionaires "the good guys" because they "freed" us from the bad guys, and be thankful for our new overlords? I don't want to get fooled again.
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When the French overthrew the aristocracy during their revolution, they wound up with Napolean in the bargain. They had no idea this is what was coming. They just did what they thought was needed.
We can do no less. Only our hubris makes us feel that we should be spared several iterations of this. Indeed, history seems to imply that defeating one dark tyrant after another, the way our ancestors had to, is the most likely outcome. But the only way forward is through. Unless you want humanity to spend eternity in slavery and servitude, this is the path we all must walk. And, if like the French revolutionaries before us, we get Napolean for our efforts, then we'll just have to deal with him too.
I love your perspective. I believe you are correct.