That all these heart related issues is in fact biblical or prophetic to be more accurate.
Of all the things that Jesus said would take place before His return, only one hasn't been fulfilled. Which is "men's hearts failing them from fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth.
I propose that it is currently being fulfilled. Fear is what drove so many to accept a toxic poison. Fear of death, fear of losing a job, fear of being ostracized etc. As a result it's causing so many heart issues, that ultimately is resulting in their death.
This flood of propaganda is what's been unleashed on this earth. All they're selling is fear and deception. Most have fallen under the strong delusion.
So I believe it is possible that this one sign that Christ mentioned is unfolding right now. Not to mention several other prophecies in scripture that appear to be taking place currently as well.
I'm sure most won't agree, that's fine. Just thought I'd plant that seed in someone's mind to think on. Perhaps God will give the increase and cause the seed to grow.
That's my hope anyways, God bless reader.
I know people right now who are triple jabbed and they haven't a fear in the world. A friend recently went on a cruise ship, she had to take yet another jab to go on the ship. That would make it her fourth shot. She doesn't care one bit. Most people I know don't care. Life is back to normal for them. They got their shots and life goes on.
Fear isn't always an outward express. It's often on our hearts. People can hide it really well
Most everyone we know who’s taken the shot are glad they did because they can travel. The only people we know who haven’t had the jabs have been ‘tested’ over a dozen times each - for work. The test can be just as bad. 😳
Yes, life goes on, until it doesn’t
“Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 10:39
I wonder about this verse in context of all happening right now.
Wow I love it
That’s great verse! There are a lot of verses that fit what’s happening at such a Time as this.
Just left a grocery store at pharmacist came on speaker pushing the shingles vax. You really can’t make this shit up