As far as I know AI generated content is not copyrightable per some court rulings. AI should not be given copyright because people could generate billions of permutations of works and claim copyright.
Also companies have not considered that they could be charged with copyfraud if they try to claim copyright over AI generated content which is not copyrightable.
I would say return to original intent for duration.
Original was for “limited time”
Lifetime plus 70 years is not a limited time especially compared to patent duration which hasn’t grown much at all.
Plus it seems duration based on lifetime is a 14th amendment violation IMHO. As it treats people different based on when someone dies. So different durations. Ie unequal protection (treatment) before the law.
We all discuss job loss from AI, but it also brings us new ideas to struggle with. Some ideas, however, are not very new.
I have always been against copyright, even as an artist.
Most tattoo artists today steal work from the artist in the stall beside them, and the internet, as a matter of practice.
Ultimately, the ideas I've expressed over time are simple.
If AI is the result of the sum of man's ideas, amplified, then so to is God.
Therefore, everything belongs to God and was given to us.
No copyright.
As far as I know AI generated content is not copyrightable per some court rulings. AI should not be given copyright because people could generate billions of permutations of works and claim copyright.
Also companies have not considered that they could be charged with copyfraud if they try to claim copyright over AI generated content which is not copyrightable.
I'm actually with you on copyright. It's an absolute elitist money grab, and many times it's not even the original artist that benefits anyway.
Which brings up the gatekeeper dilemma. Record companies and film studios and the like have to be dealt with.
I would say return to original intent for duration.
Original was for “limited time” Lifetime plus 70 years is not a limited time especially compared to patent duration which hasn’t grown much at all.
Plus it seems duration based on lifetime is a 14th amendment violation IMHO. As it treats people different based on when someone dies. So different durations. Ie unequal protection (treatment) before the law.