It is extremely important to know which United States you are talking about at
any given time...
-- snip--
There are four (4) principle versions of "United States".
There is The United States, which is the name of the Union of States controlling
our national soil jurisdiction. This is the actual nation-states we are talking about,
gathered together in a Union to be able to act together in concert for their mutual
benefit. Each member state is a sovereign entity, while the Union doing business
as The United States is an unincorporated mutually affiliated business structure -- a Union.
There is also the for-now defunct Federal Republic, which was intended to be our
primary Federal Subcontractor, but which has been out of service since 1860
pending reconstruction--- and which did business as "the" United States from
1787 to 1860. The members of the Federal Republic were unincorporated
American businesses operating as States-of-States, like The State of Florida and
The State of North Carolina, which have been moth-balled as State Trusts since
the 1860's
There is the Territorial "United States", the British Territorial version that operates
as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, such as "the"
United States of America, Incorporated, and has 57 "States" that include
incorporated Territorial States-of-States and United States Possessions and Insular
States like Guam. These "States" exist primarily on paper and are the precursors
of actual States of the Union as required by the Northwest Ordinance.
Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" --- the Papist formerly Holy Roman
Empire version, which operates as an incorporated entity doing business under
various names, and which also claims to have 57 "states" that include Municipal
STATES-OF-STATES, US POSSESSIONS, and INSULAR STATES like GUAM. These STATES also exist on paper as incorporated entities, including US CORPORATIONS.
Who is 'We'? Not me, I can assure you of that!
I live on the soil in The United States
Where do you live?
I have zero liability in this so called U.S. national debt
Which "United States" Was That?
It is extremely important to know which United States you are talking about at any given time...
-- snip--
There are four (4) principle versions of "United States".
There is The United States, which is the name of the Union of States controlling our national soil jurisdiction. This is the actual nation-states we are talking about, gathered together in a Union to be able to act together in concert for their mutual benefit. Each member state is a sovereign entity, while the Union doing business as The United States is an unincorporated mutually affiliated business structure -- a Union.
There is also the for-now defunct Federal Republic, which was intended to be our primary Federal Subcontractor, but which has been out of service since 1860 pending reconstruction--- and which did business as "the" United States from 1787 to 1860. The members of the Federal Republic were unincorporated American businesses operating as States-of-States, like The State of Florida and The State of North Carolina, which have been moth-balled as State Trusts since the 1860's
There is the Territorial "United States", the British Territorial version that operates as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, such as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, and has 57 "States" that include incorporated Territorial States-of-States and United States Possessions and Insular States like Guam. These "States" exist primarily on paper and are the precursors of actual States of the Union as required by the Northwest Ordinance.
Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" --- the Papist formerly Holy Roman Empire version, which operates as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, and which also claims to have 57 "states" that include Municipal STATES-OF-STATES, US POSSESSIONS, and INSULAR STATES like GUAM. These STATES also exist on paper as incorporated entities, including US CORPORATIONS.
-- snip--