City adds defibrillators to 4 Las Vegas parks
The City of Las Vegas is working to save lives when every second counts. They’ve installed automated external defibrillators or AEDs at parks throughout the city that can be used on anyone who goes into cardiac arrest.
Very "normal" move along sheeple....totally "normal". 💉💀😷💀💉
Take your vaccines so you won't have any problem.
Is there a vaccine for climate change yet?
They will come out with one soon. LOL
I've been seeing many ads, for portable heart monitoring devices, that connect to your phone and sends daily EKGs to you and your Dr. It's disgusting how many services and devices relating to cardiac care, are popping up and salivating at their profits.'s the American way....
...doggy winks....
If this isn’t a beacon of light of what’s to come, idk what is… buckle up. Everyone should know CPR at this point.