207 STOLLEN again! Fourth time in 7 months. Yet, on “Page 1” of these Truths he spells STOLEN correctly. Other three instances are in comments. The added [L] has been linked to posts on DECLAS. Is the Biden situation weirdly a path to DECLAS? Is another batch about to be “discovered?” (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by TSearch 2 years ago by TSearch +207 / -0 38 comments download share 38 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Maybe just maybe, and this is probably just a conspiracy, trump just cant spell
True, but it’s so frequent that it looks intentional. Plus we’ve got the misspellings matter coaching, don’t know the post number that says that.
Post 831, 1141 and 3704 say it.