TSearch 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but when have the Republicans ever rejected a Democrat President’s choices? I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but I sure can’t recall it. Maybe a few have been withdrawn without a vote, but has one ever been voted down?

TSearch 13 points ago +13 / -0

The only time we can be sure they do no harm is when they are not in session. If you dig into the history of Congress they used to only meet for a few months per year.

The modern, year-long calendar started under FDR and is part of the system of control. It was done to make people believe it’s necessary to always have Congress their deciding how we should be living our lives.

TSearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no denying that if they steal this election we are all doomed. It will be impossible to spin it any other way. If the DS makes it past this election I feel pretty sure they will try to go full totalitarian.

The big question then is will the rank and file military troops refuse to act against their fellow citizens?

TSearch 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s because young voters get those creepy 60 year old lady who’s trying to act like she’s still a teenager vibes from Harris.

TSearch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Something tells me there is an even bigger story about how BO got outsmarted by the Bidens and the Clintons.

TSearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here in the U.S. we are four months away from an election that will tell us everything we need to know. We have a former President that has the NWO-DS so rattled they brazenly tried to assassinate him. And, President Trump keeps charging forward.

It would be a complete shame to be this close and then just hand the DS an excuse to declare martial law prior to the election. Their next move would be to use it as an excuse to suspend the election altogether.

People around the world are pinning their hopes for a better future on our election. It is not an American conceit to say that, I didn’t want to believe it myself until I had people from a few European countries repetitively tell me that.

IF AMERICA FALLS, THE WORLD FALLS. Let’s not stumble on the way to a decisive victory on November 5th. I think the country and the world will be shocked to see how big MAGA has become.


TSearch 17 points ago +17 / -0

The DS in France wants a civil war there just as much as the DS in the United States does. And, for the same reasons. They are losing their grip of control over the population. The Globalists can no longer control France through the ballot box, so they need an excuse to declare martial law.

This French DS wants videos like this to be circulated. They want a violent reaction against the guys in this video. And, the DS doesn’t care how many Arabs, Africans, and native French people die as a result. They need an excuse to seize control and, at least temporarily, suspend elections. Power is the only thing they care about.

TSearch 7 points ago +7 / -0

Biden is not going to leave office without issuing blanket pardons to himself and his entire family. The Dems know this and will want to avoid those optics until after the election. The question is does Biden or his family care anymore about what the DS wants?

TSearch 4 points ago +4 / -0

If the lefties are talking about civil war it means they are feeling desperate. They realize their normal systems of control over the population are breaking down. What they’re trying to do, like always, is establish a narrative to justify future actions.

They keep fomenting civil unrest in the hopes, it blossoms into what they can characterize as a Civil War. That will in turn allow them to declare martial law and just go full totalitarian. Then, they will attempt to delay, or cancel the election.

The louder that Civil War narrative becomes from the left is a great indicator they don’t see themselves being able to rig the 2024 election.

TSearch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly! Too much of this story doesn’t add up. Even the idea that MAGA supporters would allow a 20 year old soy boy to scout a position with a rangefinder and climb up the building slinging an AR15 are suspect.

How many crisis actors were seeded in the area dressed as MAGA supporters? And, their job was to support the narrative that it was a 20 year old kid who was allowed to wonder around for hours plotting his suicide mission.

This was always a dual objective op:

  1. Take out President Trump

  2. Regardless of success or failure in the first step, incite MAGA to violence as a prelude to declaring martial law.

By, the Grace of God, and the discipline of real MAGA supporters, we whooped them again on both counts.

TSearch 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is likely the work of BO to counter Biden’s outmaneuvering him by endorsing Harris on his way out. The bet is the Dem Party will cave to the perceived threat of a disenfranchised BLM movement.

TSearch 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it leads to President Trump being elected in a landslide and an accompanying MAGA tsunami, So be it.

TSearch 3 points ago +6 / -3

Thank you! Brought a tear to my eyes.

TSearch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not necessarily. What has happened over the past several weeks is expose to everyone what we’ve known for over three years, Biden is not running the country. As the campaign progresses that will be the emerging theme, it doesn’t matter who the Dems install, these are the policies their puppet will be forced to implement.

TSearch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly! Biden endorsed Harris to take the 25th Amendment off the table.

TSearch 2 points ago +2 / -0

When did America thrive under the DS? Yes we thrived in the post WW2 period because all of our manufacturing was intact. That advantage ran out in the late 60’s and went to hell in the early 70’s.

We had a bit of a boom under Reagan, but it died at the hands of George H.W. Bush. Then Clinton paved the way or China to gut our middle class. Each successive Administration prior to Trump made it worse.

Yes, white hats may have approached Trump about running, but the story is he had to win on his own. They weren’t going to rig an election and be guilty of the very thing they were fighting against. If they did anything they blocked rigging for HRC so the will of the people win the day.

Trump implemented the policies that attracted people to vote for him. Can anyone list a policy he implemented that wasn’t part of his 2016 campaign?

TSearch 15 points ago +15 / -0

I believe the argument about her eligibility isn’t based in where she was born. She was born in Oakland, California. It’s based on the fact that neither of her parents were American citizens and were only here in a temporary status.

TSearch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe we’re seeing the next move in the civil war between the Clinton camp and the Obama camp?

TSearch 6 points ago +6 / -0

Biden endorsed her to take the 25th Amendment off the table. And, I think, to give the Democrat Establishment the middle finger because they didn’t want Harris either.

TSearch 2 points ago +2 / -0

His theory wasn’t that Haley would replace Biden on the Dem ticket. His theory is the puppet masters would make sure she came in second to President Trump.

Then they would use the 14th Amendment to keep him off state ballots. When he was blocked from enough ballots then the RNC would act like it was an emergency to replace President Trump with the runner up, Haley.

Once she was installed they would ensure their controlled opposition ticket Haley-DeSantis would win the General Election.

TSearch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, so this is when Ramaswamy was campaigning in Iowa and trying to convince people that nominating President Trump would actually lead to the demise of MAGA. Naturally his solution was to vote for him.


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