Their names are Ty and Brynlee, they are 12, and 16 years old. Their mom has had full custody of them for the last four years. Bio dad is extremely abusive, including SA. They went in for what they thought was a contempt of court hearing for the kids refusing to go see their dad in August. During that court hearing judge ordered for kids to go stay with dad for 90 days. Childrens mom was supposed to hand them over to police yesterday but the children barricaded themselves in their bedroom and refuse to leave.
Petition for the kids
Sorry for the tiktok but this is Ty speaking about their situation.
There seems to be a lot of corrupt stuff going on with this case involving dads new attorney and the newly appointed judge. I watched an interview that mom did earlier today where she went into full detail about everything going on and all that they have tried to do up to this point.
In the interview did she seem trustworthy? I guess I should just watch it. Itnis difficult to kmow who to trust or believe.
Yes, she seemed very genuine and upset about their current situation. It was a live video on tiktok so unfortunately there is no way to rewatch it. But if you go to Ty's tiktok his moms account is on there and there are videos about what has been going on.
thank you.