To believe implies choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law aka RELIGION, noun (Latin religio) - "to bind anew"...which contradicts LIB'ERAL, adjective (Latin liberalis, liber, free).
One ignores to be free (will of choice) when binding oneself to the suggestions of others, hence believing them.
Furthermore...liberal represents the perceivable status quo of being free will of choice, while liberalism represents the suggested inversion thereof, hence tempting one to consent by liberal choice to suggested -ism by the liberal choice of another.
To believe implies choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law aka RELIGION, noun (Latin religio) - "to bind anew"...which contradicts LIB'ERAL, adjective (Latin liberalis, liber, free).
One ignores to be free (will of choice) when binding oneself to the suggestions of others, hence believing them.
Furthermore...liberal represents the perceivable status quo of being free will of choice, while liberalism represents the suggested inversion thereof, hence tempting one to consent by liberal choice to suggested -ism by the liberal choice of another.