This kind of stuff bothers me. Here is the tweet in question:
Here is the current AZ voter registration form:
We can clearly see that the left side images are from 2020. With this form, we can conclusively know that the right side are voter registration forms. Not exactly this form, but almost certainly that form is modified/updated for each election cycle. It is similar enough to know what we are looking at.
The water is muddied here. This is presented in a manner that would insinuate they are from her election. But they are not. And nobody seems to be reporting this accurately. Why?
I have not seen any reporting that directly says this is from Lake's 2022 election. I also have not seen any reporting that says these are from 2020. It is as if this story is being deliberately twisted to have everyone believe they are from her election. This is not good at all. When your own team deceives you, that is not acceptable. Why would this be happening? I don't have a theory. Curious on what everyone here thinks.
Also, AZ statutes expressly state that the signature comparison be done with the voter registration card. Interestingly enough, it also appears to require "reasonable" efforts to contact the voter for curing, even if ultimately they decide to accept the signature. Guarantee they did not contact the tens of thousands or more with this issue to come cure. They just stamped it "approved."
16-161. Official record of registration; federal form; reporting
A. When the registration form is filled out, signed by the elector and received by the county recorder, it shall constitute an official public record of the registration of the elector.
16-162. Retention of registration forms and record of cancellation
The county recorder shall provide a means of retaining registration forms and records of cancellation of registration. The records shall be retained as prescribed by sections 41-151.15 and 41-151.19.
16-171. Preservation of signature rosters as permanent records
The signature roster of a precinct register shall be retained permanently, and transfer shall be pursuant to sections 41-151.15 and 41-151.19. Signature rosters may be retained pursuant to this section in an electronic format.
16-171. Preservation of signature rosters as permanent records
The signature roster of a precinct register shall be retained permanently, and transfer shall be pursuant to sections 41-151.15 and 41-151.19. Signature rosters may be retained pursuant to this section in an electronic format.
16-550. Receipt of voter's ballot; cure period
A. Except for early ballots tabulated as prescribed in section 16-579.02, on receipt of the envelope containing the early ballot and the ballot affidavit, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections **shall compare the signatures thereon with the signature of the elector on the elector's registration record. If the signature is inconsistent with the elector's signature on the elector's registration record, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall make reasonable efforts to contact the voter, advise the voter of the inconsistent signature and allow the voter to correct or the county to confirm the inconsistent signature. **The county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall allow signatures to be corrected not later than the fifth business day after a primary, general or special election that includes a federal office or the third business day after any other election. If the signature is missing, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall make reasonable efforts to contact the elector, advise the elector of the missing signature and allow the elector to add the elector's signature not later than 7:00 p.m. on election day. If satisfied that the signatures correspond, the recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall hold the envelope containing the early ballot and the completed affidavit unopened in accordance with the rules of the secretary of state.