you know I wouldnt mind if we used these idiot, for directed evolution. I have ZERO sympathy for greedy asshats. They are the ones in the wrong and knew it and did it anyway. This is fraud and crimes against humanity, they deserve what ever they get after conviction. I am willing to give them a fair trial, however I don't see them getting a slap on the wrist, as justifiable punishment. If I were them lawyer up now before its to late.
you know I wouldnt mind if we used these idiot, for directed evolution. I have ZERO sympathy for greedy asshats. They are the ones in the wrong and knew it and did it anyway. This is fraud and crimes against humanity, they deserve what ever they get after conviction. I am willing to give them a fair trial, however I don't see them getting a slap on the wrist, as justifiable punishment. If I were them lawyer up now before its to late.