Hi all,
I know a lot of you are very smart so I wanted to seek your advice. Currently, I'm in my late thirties and come from a good family background. However, I don't have any long-lasting friends and my love life is non-existent. However, I do try to meet people and get along with them, but in the end it never works out.
I've never had a real girlfriend before, although I've tried dating and never got too far. After trying so many times and failing, it's starting to feel like it's not meant to be. I also feel like I don't relate to the general populace. Most are unawake to the realities of the world and are brainwashed by media and popular opinion. I tend to go against the grain and because of that, it's hard for others to relate to me.
I also I have aspirations to do something amazing and believe I have the potential to do that, but I am unsure how to go about that. I don't have anyone to guide me so everything comes from the top of my dome. I'm happy to be alive, but I have a strong desire to do something notable and great. But I'm afraid that desire might not be enough.
What do you suggest I do to live a better life?
There's only one thing truly that has ever gave me peace, like profound inexplicable peace.
God's word is my source of peace. My internal strife, insecurities, fears, goals and dreams, all seem to be brought to a central focal point when I'm in His word.
I'm not saying organized religion is your answer, as I've found it doesn't work for me. I'm saying a relationship through God's word is where the secret to life really is.
That's what guides me through those daily highs and lows. I make it my daily routine to get in His word and read, study and yes even listen. It's the only medicine I've found that cures whatever ails me.
My external circumstances didn't change that much as a result. But my attitude, perception and thought process did. That in itself is a miracle.
So I'd suggest you give it a try. Commit yourself to 30 days of reading at least a few chapters each day. It's been said 21 days will create a habit. Anyways give it a shot, who knows you might actually learn something about yourself. Ideally you'll learn something about your Creator and His will for you.
God bless