posted ago by dominickmilford ago by dominickmilford +24 / -0


Sorry no Rumble version, Joe doesn't fuck with free speech. 🤣

What can I say except, I really hate this guy. No really. Mike Baker is SUCH a cocksucker and it's amazing how literally EVERYONE seems to think so.

But first lets go to CIA cuck and golf ball polisher Joe Blowgan, who is now an official FEDBOY and the epitome of what he hates most likely:

I noticed something. A few times Joe and him both have odd body language and at one point in another clip, 10:20:

JOE: "For someone like me WHO'S ON THE OUTSIDE just trying to pay attention to as little as I can AND STILL TALK ABOUT IT" then he kind of looks up, blurry stoned expression at Baker.

Baker immediately gets a shy kind of body language and just says "Uh yeah, it's odd odd" smiling weirdly.

The whole thing looked and felt like two people who just met on Tinder and trying to act natural before they find a way to make out. Awful awkwardness.

Baker is definitely a handler or something for Joe. Rogan is REQUIRED to do these it's not his choice at all. Probably goes down to collect all the JRE data for his buddies in the biz and does these podcasts while he's there to help spread "the message"

Either way this is not something Joe wants to do. There are other moments of both of them having awkward or confused body language too, I noticed quite a bit once I was looking for it. These guys do NOT like each other. It makes sense too: Joe is kind of a dumb bro leftist type, he probably has a natural revulsion to Feds and cops, most weed smokers and psychedelic enthusiasts do. So he must HATE having to be such a DICK GOBBLING NARC FED deep down inside. He can make himself play along and try to get beyond it, forget about it for short periods, tell himself its all about the money, I'm rich and I'm the shit.

But we all know its fucking lame. He used to hate the man and now he is the man. They probably steal his analytics and other data too (I am sure they called it "sharing" and told him he's helping the country!) and use this smiley gladhand dirtbag that no one likes to come on his podcast and deliver Gov't approved talking points whenever they want.

Think about it: are YOU gonna say No to an ex-Spook when he asks to come on your pod and get some shine? He AIN'T some good ol' boy and **Baker is the type of asshole who WOULD retaliate and make life hard for crossing him.**Have you ever seen a FEDBOY who ISN'T like I just described?

Sitting there staring at that goon and realizing that he IS NOW THE SAME THING must really hurt Rogan in his soul a tad bit. Like I said, I might be fooling myself but I kind of see it coming out of him a bit. He looks just slightly disgusted at this guy, a type of person he's likely always had an aversion towards, and having to be in the room with him and talk about shit he doesn't want to in a way that isn't natural is probably very depressing.

Ever hear them talk about doing anything off-air together? Any mutual friends between them?? Or stuff they've done together? How many serial guests does Joe Rogan have that have almost ZERO common hobbies or friends or interests with him?

No elk hunting bro, the only possibility is that Mike could take Rogan fishing one day. 🤣 Congrats Joe, you are a FUCKBOY FEDBOY NARC now. How's that Spotify money helping?

Okay, on to Baker now, and the whole context and clues he LITTERS everywhere with that response:

First of all: when Joe prods him about Tucker Carlson and JFK, what does Baker say? "Ehhh you never know." VERY DUBIOUS. *MOTHERFUCKER SOUNDS LIKE BILL GATES TALKING ABOUT EPSTEIN.

*Was THE WHOLE POINT OF BAKER COMING ON (and when he had just been recently) TO "DISCUSS" THIs 🤡 ?

I had been entertaining the possibility that Rogan showed him that to fuck with him, but I'm doubting it now. Baker is a guy who GOES ON Fox, for Christs sake.**

The first thing he goes to is something that didn't even occur to 98% of us who watched it - WHO is the source? He gives his motives away by repeating it about eight more times in a minute of talking, and also seems to be almost chiding Carlson and that source by saying they have potential to be a "conspiracy theorist" (immediate red flag in that term) and saying if they have proof that they have almost a duty to come forward. Huh!?

"I would want to know who the source was..." and then talks about "the source" like EIGHT MORE fucking times, the source "probably is into conspiracy stuff," without knowing who the source is "maybe you have a duty" LMAO ROFLCOPTER.

What the fuck is that? Only Feds think and talk like this - the majority of us did not immediately doubt AT ALL. In general, Tucker has a proven track record of credibility - he hasn't directly lied to the public before on his show and he maintains viewpoints that our crowd agrees with and regards mostly as common sense. Unlike, you know, the fucking agencies, who lie all the time and then double down by justifying it when they're caught.

If anything it was a lack of confronting certain topics that disturbed and angered people. He is literally the standard bearer of credibility and the only remaining in-road to the silent Trump majority that Fox still has left currently. Tucker is like Atlas holding up the entire fucking thing; and they are well aware the numbers will go to Newsmax levels with one wrong move.

Why act dubious toward the validity of this statement? As mentioned he comes on Fox as a Contributor and even sits for shows in-studio - if you have doubts or questions why not send a text?? What is your relationship if YOU CAN'T get an answer to that question? Is there no one who will answer you? Have you already tried? (Yes!)

What does it say about you, Mike Baker, if someone was reticent to tell you WHO the source Tucker claimed was? That you, a Fox guest, doubt the sincerity of Tucker & his source MORE than the audience? Are you just asking who the source is because you legitimately question CIA involvement in JFK's death? Are YOU BEING SINCERE?

No no no. None of this is good. It bodes VERY poorly for all involved. Either Baker knows that Tucker is as full of shit as the next man up at Fox and legitimately doubts the information he transmits nightly ... or Baker is not just a "retired guy" running an innocent little Intel store down the street.

Baker comes on JRE, acts like this is all new to him (even if it is, he NEVER EVEN mentions being able to contact anyone at Fox to find out) and goes right to questioning the sources. We know Tucker is highly insulated and does NOT do his show from the main studio these days. Bongino once mentioned before that his writers and Tuck's are next door to one another in the cubicles, though - I mean, isn't there someone Baker could ask?

Here's the finality of this. Baker is one of however many 🤡 reps and plants they STICK into the MSM places and thus it's likely he isn't exactly Prom King over there. He tried already to finagle the identity of this source person and didn't catch the fish.

So we'll put him back on JRE to stage this reaction and have Mike poke the bear, see if we can jar it loose. The #1 podcast for the #1 TV show - maybe someone will get a bruised ego and respond DIRECTLY! Why else? If you're really buddies with the Fox fam, why deride Tucker with the "conspiracy" tag and say the source "owes it to America" to come out from the dark? Why give up the usual nothing speak and sound frustrated and adversarial for a moment there?


There is some dark shit that goes on right in front of us. Underneath what it claims to be is what it REALLY is - when you catch it in moments like these it can be pretty profound.