The circus is in full swing and has been since Trump became POTUS in 2016.
If Q didn't drop the info he did... most of us would be running blind and making insane decisions, fighting with family, neighbors.. etc.
I am very curious as to how Q came about and what it truly is. My original theory has always been that it's Quantum A.I with humans acting out their parts. Project looking glass is very intriguing and the thought of time travel always blows my mind.
The Last President, Barons underground journey by Ingersoll Lockwood... DJT uncle being the one who took Teslas files after he "died"..
We must be living in a simulation of some sort.. a true matrix. The only thing every human being knows for sure is that they are present and alive.. we don't know what or where we came from. The mystery of it all is prolific.
Q is the modern equivalent to the disembodied hand that appeared during a drunken feast in Babylon. The hand wrote a warning that couldn’t be deciphered. They called all the wise men no one could help. So the queen suggested they get Daniel, the prophet captured in Jerusalem and Enslaved in Babylon since childhood. He interpreted dreams. He read the message that the kingdom had been weighed and found wanting and that in this very hour it is destroyed. The Medes and Persians had diverted the river and were inside under the river gate.
It’s so similar to me except that it’s taking much longer.