If so, check what is going on in your schools, if you haven't already by now at this point...
Inquire if your schools are utilizing the Sanford Harmony and/or Sanford Inspire programs into their curriculum or if ANY of the teachers in the district have completed any training/webinars to lessons they learned to incorporate them into their classrooms.
Sanford Harmony is a pre-k through 6th grade program https://www.harmonysel.org/ https://online.harmonysel.org/
Sanford Inspire is pre-k through 12th grade https://www.inspiresel.org/
There are also programs for the college level and one for non-profits and fundraising leaders. https://mylearningportal.org/
Sanford Falls, aka Sioux Falls, has far too much of his hands in everything and definitely has his hands in Noem's campaign through Sanford Health (yes, just has his name on the facility and his NOT his hospital, but he funds that hospital WELL and they do his bidding)
Also, thank you for teaching me a new word: vacillation
We all learn from each other. I assumed SD was based but should have realized deep state Pedo tentacles everywhere!