Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications i...
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiologi...
As in each of the "g" conversions, 5g is 4g almost everywhere but downtown cores. The 'real' 5g is short distance and not that useful outside of urban areas because of the extra hardware. The 'long distance' 5g is just 4g with tricks like aggregating multiple channels and other things allowing better speeds.
Peoples phones got a software update that made the little icon say "5g" when using their old 4g phones and then people started going "Oh, im so sick. It must be tha beamz"
The "insane push" for 5g was a government sponsored media blitz. The new thing (covid) hit and thats what got the money for media. Now its electric cars and global warming.
As for the frequency parity with crowd control systems - why is that scary? The 2.4ghz used in wifi is the frquency that boils water - and yet no one has yet cooked noodles by wifi transmitter.
Its like saying the earth is ice and rock, like asteroids, therefore we should eliminate earth because an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
WiFi routers (transmitter) transmit at 1 watt or less max power. Microwave ovens typically output 1,000 or more Watts. No wonder one can boil water and the other doesn’t. I also am concerned with WiFi as well though. European thresholds for max power are less than North American. There are European countries/cities that have outlawed WiFi use in schools, while we gleefully implement/expose our children in North America. The concerns for lower transmit powers (or elimination) are valid.
Evidence is suggesting the shorter wave length (mm) transmissions maybe more detrimental to health than typical cell phone pre 5G frequencies (800/900 MHz, 1.8/1.9 GHz). Even though the signal strength exposure of satellite transmissions received on earth is low (mW/cm2), I am concerned with the 18GHz Starlink 5G transmissions that are pretty much pervasive everywhere we go outside the house. It has been suggested the 18GHz frequency may be used to trigger activation of disease that has been latently placed into the Covid vaccines. Maybe a crazy thought, but there are things I thought were crazy 20 years ago, that are now possible. (VoIP was one).
While most people seem more concerned about base station transmitters, we should not forget about the mobile device (phone). It is only .6 Watt max power, but we wear these on our bodies for hours and hours every day. RF exposure concern is very much a function of time (hours exposed), not purely a function of frequency or signal strength. The mobile while not in call, transmits information for mobility management, location updates, and idle mode handovers to the network. Most everyone has a 5G transmitter on their person that is continually trying to find and register on a 5G network.
Europe uses the precautionary principle. If you walk up and present terrible science that says xyz may harm someone, something, somehow - the EU will ban or at least heavily regulate it.
Going "zomg, Europe doesnt let it in schools!" Is like not drinking water because your friend heard that one chick two towns over totally died by drinking too much water.
And mobile devices transmissions are easily testable yourself by just having a second phone sitting around - even a $40 one from Amazon. Or heck, test it with your wifi base station. Put a mouse directly on top of the cell phone/ base station and put another mouse in a faraday cage.