Here we fkn go again with the premeditated cabal supplied brick loads for rioting. How tiresome, how predictable, how unevolved. The dim-bulbs and criminal mentalities wlill do any damn thing for money.
Why don't people REALLY go get these bricks? Who is legitimately going to step up and say hey those are my bricks, don't take them? If they did, take them out behind a building and find out who is on the supply chain. Like we don't already know. But it would be nice to have names.
Actually when you say free people won’t take them. Advertise them for $5 a brick and tell people to leave the money there and they will be gone in an hour.
When I was a kid my dad put an old sink by the driveway with a “free” sign on it and it sat there for 2 days. The next day he put a sign that said $10 and it was gone within a few hours. People don’t want cheap stuff!
Here we fkn go again with the premeditated cabal supplied brick loads for rioting. How tiresome, how predictable, how unevolved. The dim-bulbs and criminal mentalities wlill do any damn thing for money. Why don't people REALLY go get these bricks? Who is legitimately going to step up and say hey those are my bricks, don't take them? If they did, take them out behind a building and find out who is on the supply chain. Like we don't already know. But it would be nice to have names.
Someone just needs to find a pile and do a craigs list / reddit post for free bricks and they will disappear in 30 minutes
Actually when you say free people won’t take them. Advertise them for $5 a brick and tell people to leave the money there and they will be gone in an hour.
When I was a kid my dad put an old sink by the driveway with a “free” sign on it and it sat there for 2 days. The next day he put a sign that said $10 and it was gone within a few hours. People don’t want cheap stuff!