posted ago by Tewdryg ago by Tewdryg +13 / -1

We have all seen the number 17 being used in the media again and again. It’s beyond coincidental. We know ‘Q’ uses number 17. For example:

Referring to the Florida shooting, Q#816: WHY school shootings? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Federal aid + donations.

It is interesting to notice there are 17 dollar signs. Do you think Q would do this randomly? Those who are familiar with the Occult know he did not. Consider this:

• The Florida shooting had **17 victims**

• The Federal Government granted **$17 million** to Newtown after the Sandy Hook shooting

• Many believe these shootings to be false flags from the Deep State, which Intelligence Community is made of… **17 agencies**. 

• The Malaysian Airlines plane that mysteriously crashed in 2014 was **Flight MH17**. It crashed on **July…17th!** 

It's really a rocky ride in the Occult and Numerology.

First, you already know sacrificing animals is an act of worship. In all 3 Abrahamic religions, these sacrifices are codified. Where do you think the Bible has regulated blood sacrifices? Of course, in Leviticus 17:1-7

Coincidence? We read in the 7th verse: 'They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols to whom they prostitute themselves. This is to be a lasting ordinance for them and for the generations to come.’ Leviticus 17:7 This information is key: this verse means that through blood sacrifices to their goat idols, which are demons, they open portals in their auras enabling these demons to have sexual intercourse with them. The essence of prostitution being that unlawful sexual activities are performed for a payment, in exchange, demons go to work to give them power, wealth, fame, knowledge etc…

This is how demons reproduce with humans. Now, the higher value the sacrifice, the more powerful the demon in Satan’s hierarchy appears to receive it. This is why they humans are sacrificed. This is why they sacrifice innocent children and babies. Q#816: "What is more precious than our children?".

Don’t underestimate this. Criminality, false flags, wars, drugs, corruption are all covers for blood sacrifices to their divinities. Think of the lawless crime and shootings occurring in cities like Chicago and elsewhere. Is it really natural, or contrived? The criminality rate throughout cities like this seem to distract from their higher level crimes of sacrifice all to appease their demonic worship and lust for drinking the blood of the innocent. It’s all engineered worldwide.

Even in Islam, the Quran strictly prohibits child sacrifice. This ids found in their religious text in Chapter 17! 'Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is a great sin'. S17 V31.

Moreover, we fin:. Q#133: Follow the bloodlines I don't know if this is true, and certainly requires in depth research, but it claimed that the European royal families were related to the Egyptian Pharaoh bloodline. Here's a source to research it. Start here. We also learn in Exodus 14 Moses defeated the armies of Pharaoh who drowned in the sea. However, the pharaoh's family prevailed remaining home far from the disaster. Their wealth and dynasty continued. No one really thinks about this or is it taught. The fact is their descendants are among us. Hiding in plain sight? Using the same exact knowledge they used against the Children of Israel to maintain them in bondage.

Today, Big Tech and Big Pharma are modern day pharaohs, who are mindlessly worshiped by the woke. Pharaohs in their day were the absolute rulers of the world. And here we think of Globalism with its NWO was a modern idea. Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic, sorcery (pharmakeia), and power. A very good drama is needed to first captivate the audience and then rob them of their valuables. This is the world stage set to climax with the Antichrist.

Here is the Ancient Egyptian Oracle Set of Cards Pharaoh’s Priests used to work with. They would predict the future with them and also create and alter events through magical rituals. The Illuminati Card Tarot (it’s not a game) is inspired from this set but in comparison, it is like children Lego. As mentioned on top, this card is the 17th mansion of the set. It is the card for ‘HOPE’. The reason is 17 is a secret door to the Beast, which they worship for their needs to be fulfilled. You want to know which door? Here it is: the sum of the square of all prime numbers within 17 is 666. 2²+3²+5²+7²+11²+13²+17²=666.

Now do you remember when Michelle Obama said out of the blue: ‘All we have is hope?’ It strangely made all the headlines. This was code for: ‘we don’t have anything on Trump, all we have is Hope Hicks. In other words it was 'Let’s focus on her. Through her, we’ll bring the man down’.

They played the HOPE Oracle card and freed the ‘17’ energy through 17 sacrificed humans.

Too powerful. There was no way Hope Hicks could have survived… Thank goodness it came to pass she didn't answer any of the Congressional questions.

Q#128: What is a spell?.