posted ago by blacksmith21 ago by blacksmith21 +15 / -1


Direct link to video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cn-hfT0vhBH/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D

I'm not convinced. The video has a ton of edits in the middle of him speaking. The cuts are mid-word and mid sentence, not at the end of a sentence. There is no sign of him reading from a teleprompter either, which he undoubtedly would be. There are a lot of facial tics and strange movement of his face, but I don't have a video to compare it to. If anyone has a link to a Damar interview, that would be helpful. This looks like a very good deep fake, IMO.

Undoubtedly, this will be used as proof of life and the video will be used to quash the "Damar is dead" narrative.