They could, totally. My dad is sometimes prescribes 800 mg ibuprofin. Which is the same as taking 4 ibuprofin pills - you can buy a bottle of 500 pills for $15 or so. You can argue whether someone SHOULD take that many, but why is this a prescription item? After a few cavities , my dentist gave me "stronger" toothpaste that I needed a script for. Who knows what was in that, but its still ridiculous.
They could, totally. My dad is sometimes prescribes 800 mg ibuprofin. Which is the same as taking 4 ibuprofin pills - you can buy a bottle of 500 pills for $15 or so. You can argue whether someone SHOULD take that many, but why is this a prescription item? After a few cavities , my dentist gave me "stronger" toothpaste that I needed a script for. Who knows what was in that, but its still ridiculous.