"Bourla was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece.His parents, who were Sephardi Jews, were among the 2,000 of 50,000 Jews in Thessaloniki to survive the Holocaust." ~wiki
Something; something..."people who spread misinformation"
YEAH MORON...because PV caught the lil' shit on tape and now you are trying to CYA...FYI...The Horse has done left the barn, what your holding is the shit bag!!!!!!
P.S. That video has had over 3.4 MILLION HITS since it was put up...
So, go pound sand...your a veterinarian, go see what is in you VP's south end cavity...
He's a veterinarian. For the sheep.
Wasnt that cloned sheep named Dolly?
LOL I think you are right!
ha ha ha thanks for laughing at my joke 😀
It's funnier than you think! A lot of people who really know me would cringe at the idea of cloning me.
A self indictment. Interesting game play. These people are stupid.
"Bourla was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece.His parents, who were Sephardi Jews, were among the 2,000 of 50,000 Jews in Thessaloniki to survive the Holocaust." ~wiki
Something; something..."people who spread misinformation"
YEAH MORON...because PV caught the lil' shit on tape and now you are trying to CYA...FYI...The Horse has done left the barn, what your holding is the shit bag!!!!!!
P.S. That video has had over 3.4 MILLION HITS since it was put up...
So, go pound sand...your a veterinarian, go see what is in you VP's south end cavity...