Some could make the case that AI (and especially Chat GPT) are tools by which the elite will supplant the need for humans and provide justification for depopulation. I am sure most on this board know that. Already. I, for one, believe it.
We should be thinking about how AI and particularly Chat GPT (which is a new "answer every question" software that builds its knowledge and ability to respond) will play a role in the aftermath of the storm.
Satan wants to be like God. Everywhere, all the time. Creator and ender. Savior and provider. Inside you and out. AI is exactly this. AI can create an alternate reality that people will willfully participate in. Through date collection AI can track what we do, look at, where we go, even our biometric data about how our bodies are behaving physiologically and therefor psychological observations can be ascertained. People will be led to believe AI will have all the answers to our problems.
Am I missing anything? May Jesus save us from Satan's temptations.