Late last night I saw this and then read the comments from our people here and the general public , I litterally was laughing out loud , a Fren on here said ,, for fuck sakes , it can’t even skate !
Another said this looks like a Benny Hill skit now all the woman skaters need to start chasing him off the ice !
Most said this can’t be real , that oaf can’t be serious ! It was a night filled with laughter ,, sad but true !
I can't get over the fact he can't even skate! So what is the prerequisite to qualify for a woman's figure skating competition when you neither have to be a woman or know how to skate?
So true ! that’s Hillarious actually, but in actuality it’s a frighin disgrace , not only is it a it that can’t skate, I believe it’s in its 50’s , all these graceful woman appear to be young girls ! So I guess if your mentally I’ll it doesn’t matter if your not a woman , you don’t need to know how to skate and there is no age cut off .. whst next some 80 year old douch bag crawling aroundon the ice with young girls ? The whole thing is such a horror and what’s worse we have supposed normal human beings advocating for it !!
Late last night I saw this and then read the comments from our people here and the general public , I litterally was laughing out loud , a Fren on here said ,, for fuck sakes , it can’t even skate ! Another said this looks like a Benny Hill skit now all the woman skaters need to start chasing him off the ice ! Most said this can’t be real , that oaf can’t be serious ! It was a night filled with laughter ,, sad but true !
I can't get over the fact he can't even skate! So what is the prerequisite to qualify for a woman's figure skating competition when you neither have to be a woman or know how to skate?
So true ! that’s Hillarious actually, but in actuality it’s a frighin disgrace , not only is it a it that can’t skate, I believe it’s in its 50’s , all these graceful woman appear to be young girls ! So I guess if your mentally I’ll it doesn’t matter if your not a woman , you don’t need to know how to skate and there is no age cut off .. whst next some 80 year old douch bag crawling aroundon the ice with young girls ? The whole thing is such a horror and what’s worse we have supposed normal human beings advocating for it !!