I had my suspicions early, the "bodies dropping in the streets of China" scared me at the very very beginning, but I'm also a skeptic so obviously I quickly went to "wait a second, this is the CCP being filtered through our bullshit MSM, this could all be a play". Then when they locked down small businesses and let fucking Walmart, literal cesspool of the worst of humanity, McShitters, ect, stay open and in fact make BANK during all this, I knew it was all a scam. I've been awake for a long time, my dad is a hardcore cynic, he didn't go to Nam due to knee injuries but he was around that age and lost a lot of friends over there. He saw thru the bullshit in the following years and instilled that in me as a young boy. He was subtle but looking back I can see the seeds of doubt and questioning he planted in my young brain. I've always been questioning of everything, to a fault maybe at times, but I'd rather that than have the naive belief these PTB have any of our interests or American interests in mind at all and live with my head up my ass.
I bought the whole possibility of mass deaths because I always tought it was intentional. I prepared and researched to protect my family. We are all alive and survived multiple rounds of COVID with co-morbidities.
Same here
I had my suspicions early, the "bodies dropping in the streets of China" scared me at the very very beginning, but I'm also a skeptic so obviously I quickly went to "wait a second, this is the CCP being filtered through our bullshit MSM, this could all be a play". Then when they locked down small businesses and let fucking Walmart, literal cesspool of the worst of humanity, McShitters, ect, stay open and in fact make BANK during all this, I knew it was all a scam. I've been awake for a long time, my dad is a hardcore cynic, he didn't go to Nam due to knee injuries but he was around that age and lost a lot of friends over there. He saw thru the bullshit in the following years and instilled that in me as a young boy. He was subtle but looking back I can see the seeds of doubt and questioning he planted in my young brain. I've always been questioning of everything, to a fault maybe at times, but I'd rather that than have the naive belief these PTB have any of our interests or American interests in mind at all and live with my head up my ass.
I bought the whole possibility of mass deaths because I always tought it was intentional. I prepared and researched to protect my family. We are all alive and survived multiple rounds of COVID with co-morbidities.