posted ago by gg102 ago by gg102 +73 / -0

This is my first post. Please be gentle.

I want to warn you, this may be a bit gruesome. I’ll be as gentle as I can. (I’ll warn you when.)

I have been suspecting something like this for a while.

Let’s start by asking some wide scope questions:

  1. Why are the US and EU and allies so emphatic about supporting Ukraine?
    a. Ukraine is the most corrupt, poorest country in all of Europe.
    b. It is NOT a democratic country.
    c. It has some, but not significant natural resources.
    d. It has some farm land.
  2. Does the money laundering system have enough significance to “go nuclear?”
  3. Is there enough child/human trafficking to warrant “going nuclear?”
  4. Would you destroy your source for child/human trafficking?
  5. Are 42 Bio labs worth “going nuclear?”
  6. Do you think for one second that they left behind any criminal evidence?
  7. Is the Nazis problem significant enough to warrant this war?
  8. Why is it that Russia is “cleaning Ukraine?”
  9. Russia doesn’t want to annex Ukraine. So why invade?
  10. Are the US and EU politicians blackmailed enough to “go nuclear?” By Whom?
  11. Who REALLY wants this war?
  12. Who will gain from this war?

None of this supports such significant and escalating military action. It seems to me, there is something much more important to rise to the level of “going nuclear.”

What could possibly be more important than all of the above?

/Begin gruesome. Hang in there.

We are in a spiritual war more than a military war. This is a war for the soul of humanity. This is real.

Ukraine has been trafficking bio-weapons, money, children and humans for a long time. They have been used for Adrenochrome harvesting and satanic rituals, child sacrifice, human sacrifice and more. Ukraine has been involved in Human Organ Harvesting.

What better way to dispose of the bodies than a war; bomb a school, plant bodies/body parts.

What better way to cover their Satanic crimes; then blame Russia.

Why have US and EU politicians and other “elites” gone to Ukraine?
Participating in rituals?
Buying child body parts?
Spirit cooking supplies? Assessing damage?
Dunno, still, seems odd.

We know that Ukraine has been bombing their own cities, villages and citizens and infrastructure. This didn’t make sense. With this new perspective, it does. Destroy a poor useless country. Nothing lost, right? Perfect fit.

/End gruesome

EVERYTHING above is un-Holy and un-Godly.

Russia is now more of a Godly country than others. I’d have to say, even the USA right now. They recently passed laws to protect children from all the crap that the USA is inflicting on our population. They are leaving the petrodollar. They have left the swift system. Their currency is gold backed. Bad? Nope!

I’m NOT saying that Russia is perfect, but they are making the right moves right now. Self-interest, sure.

Russia IS NOT the Soviet Union. Don’t make that mistake.

Russia is fighting to save themselves and Humanity from Satan. Make no mistake, Russia is NOT fighting alone.

Russia, the “Good Guys”, the “White Hats”, the Alliance, Trump and the patriots are all on the same side.

We are saving Humanity from the Deep State, the Cabal, and ultimately Satan.

Perhaps you have a better appreciation for “Why Ukraine.” This is WAY BIGGER than just arresting Hillary.

It’s LITTERALLY Biblical!!