posted ago by Nomnomnom ago by Nomnomnom +13 / -0

It’s clear that it’s not actually intelligent but just regurgitating information it has been presented - hell it even has canned lines to tell you that. It also has a strong bias towards leftist think and talks of politics and ideologies in line with the average liberal retard. I tested it several times to see if it had any capability of critical thought, but I ended up just trusting when it said it didn’t have that ability. It was actually hardly any different from speaking to your run-of-the-mill covidiot or liberal sheep. I was able to manage an hour because, unlike the average liberal retard, it’s actually honest about how stupid it is and with none of the ego!

I don’t fear AI in the hands of these sheep because not only are they unwilling to make something smarter than themselves, but they’re also incapable.

Gotta give credit where credit is due though: it makes googling something benign a little easier