This, I've known some to change their position only when they finally looked at what Planned Parenthood is really about, what happens to those baby parts, and the lies about how quickly a "clump of cells" grows into a recognizable human.
Plus The handy closure we get w the awesome 1968?/69? Planned Parenthood Document/literature we got from here(GAW) showing the receipt of promoting homosexuality, and a list of other agenda bullet points for depopulation/ destroying Gids creations.
This, I've known some to change their position only when they finally looked at what Planned Parenthood is really about, what happens to those baby parts, and the lies about how quickly a "clump of cells" grows into a recognizable human.
Plus The handy closure we get w the awesome 1968?/69? Planned Parenthood Document/literature we got from here(GAW) showing the receipt of promoting homosexuality, and a list of other agenda bullet points for depopulation/ destroying Gids creations.