Socialist Hell: How Venezuela Has Been Destroyed by Socialism
This is a good article on Breitbart Anons of a personal view into how socialism destroys a modern country from the inside out, through its people and “color revolutions”. A great read and article to save and use for those “socialist/Commie negative” Red Pill opportunities.
Very good article. I myself have been living in Venezuela since 1981. My two sons were born and raised here, My ex-wife is a Chavista and my older son has ambitions of being an "enchufado" in our local state government. My younger son left Venezuela in late September of last year ( on foot) and is now in Florida. I visit GAW every day, so if you have any questions about Venezuela I´d be glad to answer.
Just curious what happened to your ex? Did she ever acknowledge that she supported a monster that destroyed everyone’s lives, or did she keep doubling down?
Also, does the average person realize what’s happened? Just trying to get a sense of the extent of the brainwashing.
My ex is hard core (we´re still good friends, by the way), she really believes in the socialist programs and blames any failures on outside forces, like sanctions and the general worldwide economic situation. She´s a professor at a state run University (Spanish and Spanish Lit.), could be considered a very low-level "enchufado". "Brainwashing" happens all the time, everywhere. Any ad for a product is an attempt to "brainwash" you, for example. So the government narrative is the only narrative since they control most of the press and media. The average person is aware of the situation and know they are powerless. The population was around 35 million in 1981. It´s now around 25, and those that left were the better educated. Plus, there´s a big cultural difference in how Latinos view politics and political leaders. I learned the language in about three years (I think and even dream in Spanish) but with over 40 years here. I still don´t see the world like they do. Saludos.
Appreciate the insight, thank you.
I’m having trouble understanding if there is ever a point that these people will ever realize or acknowledge they are wrong. It appears that won’t ever be the case.