Trump is already running. The Democrats have to whip up someone, and pretty fast. They are obviously dumping Biden. Otherwise, how did all the secret documents shit get out? It appears that they already know Heels Up is loser material. The Democrats showed off "their best" in the last Democrat primaries. The well is dry. They need new material.
Don't you think the globos miss the Obama days, when millions of naive Americans bought the hopey-changy thing and showed up for Obama rallies? I'll bet they want those glory days back, and are stupid enough to think that Big Mike will do that. Unfortunately, it won't be long before the normies figure out about his ding-dong. Hence, a partial reason for the trannie push. The other reason being, of course, the usual Satanic pedophile thing.
Who else can they possibly run?
Change my mind.
Not that complex. Just trying to normalize pedophilia and gender bending while simultaneously warping people's minds.
Also shows them to create a victim complex and weaponize it. Obama's are a losing horse in the race.