Project veritas part 2 is up.
I didn't see this posted yet. It's about menstral cycles being affected for one thing
This isn’t a bombshell, we knew this within months of the vaccine. Just, no one gave a shit (except us obviously). And it stands to reason that dynamic will continue unfortunately. It doesn’t matter what news comes out, the ideology and brainwashing are so strong that more excuses are made to justify their current and previous thoughts and actions. Olympic gold medal level mental gymnastics. Build towards a bunker, compound or remote homestead as best you can … it really doesn’t seem like this ends in any way other than destruction. Either physical violent bombs or war type destruction, or societal collapse type destruction … in either scenario, the military is not going to be our friend same as now.
Shit is sad, but it is what it is. Get right with god, take care of your loved ones and neighbors and be the crazy asshole who is prepared for when the shit hits the fan.
Quick, related, personal story…My mostly leftist (but at least can be reasoned with) wife asked if I had a gun and suggested we get one when Covid lockdowns hit. and told me she was glad that I always stocked up waaayyy extra on dried food and toilet paper and water. Once the thought even crossed her mind that boots on the ground could happen and we might have to choose between feeding our dogs or ourselves suddenly no more jokes about me trying to prep with what little extra money we have. She still has her own views on some things - but it’s amazing how actual fear of survival changes someone’s mind real quick. That big scare for the rest of the country can’t come soon enough.