How many here have come to God or returned to God because of the unveiling of the evil around us? (The Great Awakening)
Genesis 50:20. What they meant to destroy humanity God planned for good and the salvation of many.
All glory to God EVEN in the darkness!
I started out a Baptist, moved to Buddhism, tried on Agnosticism, considered String Theory, eventually settled on Apatheism until I woke up and saw the deception.
I thought we, humans, had finally learned from our horrible mistakes and people were not going to repeat those horrors. When I realized how wrong I was, God filled my heart. For a while there I lost God, but now I know He is there.
I see His Majesty in the smallest of birds or the bark of a tree to the science of the human body.
I no longer struggle to understand what my role is and pray simply to accept His will through me.