YUYUUGE: "Rep. Thomas Massie Vows to Strip Ukraine Funding from Must-Pass Spending Bills." Everybody's focused on Omar get tossed off the FSC and missing the real news. THIS is exactly what they were **DESPERATE** to avoid.
But it's happening anyway! NOTHING CAN $END WHAT I$N'T COMING!
- N C S W I C -
The night before that cruise missile hit the Pentagon,..whats his face said ,.they couldnt account for 3t $$$$$$$$$$$...!!!
Rumsfeld said that. Then this followed- https://news.yahoo.com/donald-rumsfeld-killer-400-000-224008965.html
Rumsfeld yeah thats the guy,.wow great read,.cheers frend,.!
Missile? Duh, dat's not what my tel-LIE-vision told me.