How many active Great Awakening.win participants have similar folders to archive valuable information? This is only half of my collection since I began this journey almost from the beginning. Do not know where I'd be without this forum. My humble appreciation to you all.

You took a lot of time away from Slingdinging to save all that, but bravo. I save a few then use them here and there. My redpilling consists of coworkers, people on the bus, and on the streets of downtown. So I talk and point out places where what I talk about is located.
Most people I steer to Patriots.win, Greatawakening for intellectual types. Remember Normies often don't know SF is on the Pacific, Canada is to our north, don't know What 6 Squared, or 7 Cubed means much less can't answer.
Twitter is new to me since Musk bought it, but its a good online red pill. A good descriptor I used awhile go Congress, Staff Jab Exempt? So every comment when followers read my comment they get whatever is current in the header too.
Thank you so much GodBlessAmerica58! Time spent archiving this information was all worth it.
Keep up the redpilling! Sooner than later we'll reap the benefits of everyone sharing the red pill information. Thanks again.